The Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies published an article by Eyal Lederman: The Myth of Core Stability. The following information is a summary of Lederman's conclusions.
ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT STABILITY AND THE ROLE OF CORE MUSCULATURE Despite the role of the core musculature in creating spinal stability...
Despite the exponential number research studies conducted in the last decade...
TIMING While the control of specific core musculature has been highly regarded in its "relationship" to low back pain...
STRENGTH While it is known that trunk muscle strength may decrease as a result of low back pain and injury...
CORE MUSCLE ACTIVATION There are still many practitioners that still follow the single core muscle activation concept (TrA), unfortunately...
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CORE STABILITY TRAINING AND MOTOR LEARNING While training for an activity often leads to skill development in that activity (i.e. piano)...
Although many novel core exercises are now performed in more "functional" positions (i.e. standing, moving)...
Furthermore, while individuals are constantly reminded to continuously tighten their core musculature...
CORE STABILITY FOR INJURY PREVENTION AND THERAPY While an asymptomatic individual may present with weak abdominals...
CORE STABILITY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE CAUSE OF LOW BACK PAIN While our understanding of the aetiology of back pain has increased tremendously over the last decade...
POTENTIAL DAMAGING EFFECTS OF CORE STABILITY Although compressive forces on the lumbar spine may contribute to low back pain...
While core training may be aimed at biomechanical dysfunction...
If accessible, I strongly encourage you to read the paper in full. While Lederman makes some valid points, it was quite interesting that of the 200+ references cited, only one was primarily authored by Stu McGill, a 2003 study at best. Further, much of the points Lederman alludes to have already been elaborated upon by McGill in his book, Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance (also available in my "Educational Resources" above). Again, the above information are merely a summary of Lederman's conclusions. Make sure you leave a comment and let me know what you think! Photo source
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